Brutal and supernatural pirate TRPG in the late 17th century Caribbean, made with the GUMSHOE system
Take to the dangerous seas in the Golden Age of Piracy. The friendly harbors of the Caribbean no longer unconditionally welcome the Brethren of the Sea. Pirates must now seek their own fortune with no master to offer blessings. This is a perilous time for pirates. But the ocean is big. There is treasure to be taken and fortunes to be made.
Between the Devil & the Deep (BD&D) is a brutal and supernatural pirate TRPG set in the late 17th century Caribbean, made with the GUMSHOE system and the home-built SHAMUS system.
It is the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, during the Age of Sail. Locke’s Two Treatises of Government was published 2 years before; Newton’s Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica was published the year before that. Leibniz, Descartes, and Spinoza advocated rationalism.
In Europe, the War of the Grand Alliance, as it is now called, started in 1688 between France and most of the other states and powers of Europe. King Louis XIV of France, the Sun King, attempts to expand France’s territory to achieve a secure nation-state border while impatiently waiting for the inbred Habsburg King Charles the Second of Spain to die and pass on his decaying empire to France. To this end, Louis XIV supports the Muslim Ottoman Empire and Protestant German princes against the Catholic Holy Roman Empire, while viciously persecuting Protestants in France. With a 400 thousand strong army trained in the most modern warfare techniques, Louis threatens to establish a “total kingdom” over Spain, France, and Germany. The threat of hegemonic France and outrage over treatment of French Protestants brought together the alliance of England (under William of Orange, of the Netherlands), Habsburg Spain, the Holy Roman Empire, and the Swedish Empire.
The famous Spanish Treasure Fleet still makes it’s annual runs, gathering up merchants and escorts in Havana to make the transatlantic journey back to Seville. Although every naval officer and pirate dreams of winning a prized treasure ship, the fleet was only defeated once, in 1628. Many Spanish merchantmen sail alone on the Atlantic and along the coasts of New Spain. Many of these ships are essentially overt smugglers; the Casa de Contratación mandates that only a select and limited number of ports may officially engage in trade. Now, Spain is the sick man of Europe, degenerate and economically feeble like her inbred King. The economy has overheated on too much gold and silver from the new world while it’s closed ports yearn for manufactured goods from other lands.
Scenario: In an Honest Service
Mayans removed some artefacts from Cueva de Cristal and brought them to a temple complex in the nearby settlement of T’hó, present day Merida. One of these artifacts remains located in the underground ruins of an ancient temple, underneath the Cathedral of Mérida (built in 1596). Various factions are striving to gain control of the artifact in Merida and the Cueva de Cristal.
Ancient Mayan sorcerers knew of techniques to breach the barrier between alternate universes, or at least pass some material through to the other side. These techniques required ritual sacrifice of people under the Maldicion.
Anyone affected by the Maldicion will have visions of a better reality. However, these visions cause the afflicted to mistakenly believe they live in the better reality, until it becomes painfully obvious that they suffer from delusions.
Scenario: Innocentest Person of Them All
The Governor of Cuba, Severino de Manzaneda Salinas y Rozas, has vast responsibility over a corrupt trading hub which is at war with a super-power (France) adversary and has a new Alliance with an old and duplicitous enemy (England) while reporting to an inbred and illiterate king (Charles II). Furthermore, the needs of plantation masters and Havana merchants must be met while he satiates his own spy network – the Inquisition of the Spanish Empire – which loves to find witches to burn.
Salinas is also an occultist. He researched and discovered an artifact, Jadeite Mask, that may be used to control the Crystal Cave. The Jadeite Mask, when brought into the cave and presented to the interface, allows a being in another universe to pass things through a gate.
Salinas dispatched Miguel Morell to secure Jadeite Mask for the final leg of its journey to Havana and Salinas, on board the San Joaquín. However, the San Joaquin has not yet arrived.

The Book
Between the Devil & the Deep is a 218 page book containing the following:
- GUMSHOE rules for creating and playing pirate characters, with custom character sheets.
- 3+ full-length scenarios
- Settings, including detailed city descriptions for Havana and Port Royal
- Rules for sandbox play
- Ship-to-ship combat rules that emphasize roleplaying and reward player ingenuity
- Lore Sheet rules for immersion and backstory
- Adventure hooks for extend campaign play
- Rules for PC use of Voodoo magic
- Rules for PC created pirate havens
- 10+ pre-gen characters with portrait art