Note that “Development Updates” will be displayed here until the complete fulfillment of The Sassoon Files Kickstarter Project.
This last week we saw progress on planning and preparation tasks more than development tasks. We are reviewing our plan on how to best fit together the player factions, settings, and main scenario sections with Lore Sheet hand-outs in each. We are finishing up writing for the settings and factions sections so that we can send that out for proof editing before the end of November. Once this is done, we are will finish up our page-layout tasks and prepare for printing.
During this last week we also contacted our printers to inform them that their services will be needed shortly (in 6 weeks or so). We are also trying to contact all the Sassoon Allies for the development of their custom pre-made characters.
This coming week we will focus on sourcing one last art piece and finishing up all textual content (except for the Brother of Jesus add-on scenario):