2nd Art Piece for the Sassoon Files: The Navigator

The Tcho Tcho Navigator

Standing before you is an elderly member of the tribe that tends these crops; he is leaning on his walking stick and smiles at you with a mouth full of sharp teeth. It looks like he took files to his teeth, and then forgot to brush them his entire life. He is naked, save for a loin cloth and a leather bag strapped over his shoulder and boney chest. He is about a head-length shorter than the shortest member of your group; his browned and leathery skin is the result of being exposed to the elements. There is a gleam in his eye, and he seems to either be in a permanent state of joy or he is inwardly laughing at some joke he has not shared with anybody, ever.

This piece was create by Mr. Breno Girafa.  Mr. Girafa, a Brazilian artist, loves all things SciFi, horror, the 50s and boxing. He has won several international awards from The Society for New Design and has worked in the video game industry in companies such as CCP Games (EVE and Dust 514), Lazy Town and Tin Man Games.

Mr. Breno Girafa’s instagram: @deepthoughtsguy