Between the Devil & The Deep Kickstarter starts on 11/20/2021
1691, Havana. The harbors of the Caribbean are no longer unconditionally welcoming. Pirates must now seek their own fortune with no master to offer blessings. Every time a pirate comes to port, they must smuggle their booty past corrupt officials and keep an eye out for double-crosses.
Your crew stumbled upon rumors of a prize that puts the Spanish Treasure Fleet to shame. The trail points to a mythical crystal cave, located in the ruins of an ancient civilization on the Yucatan peninsula. There, it is said, you may glimpse the future and fulfill your heart’s desires. However, other factions also seek the cave, including desperate buccaneers, duplicitous pirate hunters, and even agents of the Spanish Inquisition.
This is a perilous time for pirates. But the ocean is big. There is treasure to be taken and fortunes to be made.
Between the Devil & the Deep, for the GUMSHOE system, will be a 150-175 page book, containing:
- GUMSHOE rules for creating and playing pirate characters
- 2+ full-length scenarios
- Settings, including detailed city descriptions for Havana and Port Royal
- Rules for sandbox play
- Ship-to-ship combat rules that emphasize roleplaying and reward player ingenuity
- Lore Sheet rules for immersion and backstory
- Adventure hooks for extend campaign play
- Rules for PC use of Voodoo magic
- Rules for PC created pirate havens
- 10+ pre-gen characters with portrait art
Much of the content is already written and play tested. We intend to deliver this book via DTRPG before the end of February, 2022, unless Kickstarter performance and stretch goals support further improvements and content development.