The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter Completed

The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter! The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter! The Sassoon Files Second Edition Kickstarter, Launcher May 11th! (LINK)The Sons of the Singularity is Kickstarting “The Sassoon Files, 2nd Edition." This book contains a set of scenarios and campaign resources for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition tabletop…

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The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter!

The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter! The Sassoon Files, Second Edition Kickstarter! The Sassoon Files Second Edition Kickstarter, Launcher May 11th! (LINK)The Sons of the Singularity is Kickstarting “The Sassoon Files, 2nd Edition." This book contains a set of scenarios and campaign resources for Call of Cthulhu 7th Edition tabletop…

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Setback in The Sassoon Files

We have suffered an unfortunate and unexpected setback with the off-set print run. On March 20th, the Chinese government ordered the destruction of our books. Although the printer returned our deposit, we need to find another printer and this will result in a delay in fulfillment. We are committed to…

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  • Post category:Sassoon

The Bloated Woman

This was the FIRST art piece create for us be Breno Girafa.  I realized I never publicized it here.The picture depicts jazz-singer Mary Xie and an avatar of the god Y'golonac.As part of the Kickstarter progress, we believe we will have a more joyous picture of Mary Xie and her jazz…

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  • Post category:Sassoon

Newest art: The Plague Pagoda

The pillars of black smoke come from mounds of burning bodies; the smell of burning flesh is layered over the stench of rotting corpses. The sounds of chanting men and woman emanate from a garden near the city center… This is the newest image for The Sassoon Files, created by…

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  • Post category:Sassoon

Rules for Lore Sheets and Backer-created Lore Sheets

This post contains the section “Optional Rules: Lore Sheets” for The Sassoon Files campaign book.  The first section of this post relays the optional rules of Lore Sheets, a mechanic which was developed for the upcoming “Rational Magic RPG”. Following these rules are more specific instructions for Kickstarter Backers who wish to…

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  • Post category:Sassoon

Newest art: People’s Liberation Army vs. Imperialist Mythos Running Dogs

This is the newest image for The Sassoon Files, created by our main artist, Breno Girafa.The picture depicts a battle between the noble soldiers of the People's Liberation Army as they fight against an unidentified imperialistic. "agent" of an unknown power.  The picture is done in the style of propaganda posters…

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