Sons of the Singularity welcomes new writers to collaborate with us to produce fun, exciting, and thought-provoking TRPG products. We are also interested in licensing opportunities with our copyrights and trademarks. On this page can be found various resources and information for writers and licensees.
Style Guide
All textual content developed and submitted to Sons of the Singularity for publication must comply with the SOS Style Guide, which can be found here:
Sons of the Singularity Style Guide (2021)
Note that this document itself should be used as a template for submitting textual content.
Campaign Structure Guidelines
The SOS design philosophy for campaigns is to empower the GMs to develop and expand upon their campaign with a healthy balance between directed and emergent styles. We want the GM to have the power and authority to introduce plot points and explore coherent story arcs. However, we also firmly believe that, as much as possible, the direction and the “destination” of a campaign should be determined in an emergent style, based-off of player decisions and contributions to the game world.
To help embody this design philosophy in our products, we have developed the SOS Campaign Structure Guidelines, which can be found here:
Content Criteria
Within our team and with our development partners, we use a set of criteria to track alignment with product goals and values. SOS uses this sheet in its content approval process.
AI Art Policy
Till the Devil whispered behind the leaves: “It’s pretty, but is it Art?”
–Rudyard Kipling, The Conundrum of the Workshops
AI technologies that generate visual images have come of age, sparking controversies across industries and communities around the world. SOS finds it imperative to adopt a formal policy given the potentially significant impacts of AI technologies on the Indie TTRPG community.
We do NOT think that the use of machine generated images is inherently unethical or morally wrong. We do recognize that, as is common with the adoption of new technologies, AI technology will be both intentionally and unintentionally misused, with potentially devastating outcomes. We also recognize that the use of AI technology may result in significant economic disruptions including the displacement of illustrators and the cannibalization of rewards for creating art.
We hold our artists and illustrators in high regard and will strive to take no acts that deprive them of their rewards for creating art and illustrations. As a general principle and with the intent of mitigating possible economic disruptions from the advent of AI technologies, we agree that we will not intentionally substitute images that are solely machine generated for art that we would otherwise commission from an artist. This policy precludes the intentional use of machine generated images for covers, character portraits, and full-page pieces in any SOS commercial publication offered for sale. SOS will also make every reasonable effort to ensure that images that are solely machine generated images are not passed off as the original creative expression of a human artist.
SOS’s complete “Policy on the use of machine generated images” can be found here
The Singularity True Open Gaming License
Have an idea for an adventure to be played in the world of Camlann or Rational Magic? We encourage you to write it up! Want to build an adventure, campaign, campaign setting or other content that is compatible with the Lore 100 System? Great, we would love to see what can be done with the Lore 100 system!
Certain SOS products are intended to be an open world in which the gaming community can build upon and expand. Furthermore, all SOS published systems are intended to be open gaming system upon which members of the RPG community may run their adventures.
These works are published under the Singularity True Open Gaming License (STOGL):
- Rational Magic
- The Camlann Chronicles
- Between the Devil & the Deep
- Lore System
- Lore 100 System
All rules and textual content (but not images nor artistic content) are free for you to use under the STOGL, which can be found here:
Note that SHAMUS is also free for you to use, but is covered by the the GUMSHOE Creative Common’s License.